Having done a variety of training during her library career for all types of libraries and nonprofits, Stephanie has presented at national conferences and conducted training across the world. Formerly a trainer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s U.S. Library Program, Stephanie worked with many public libraries, either traveling to their site or conducting week-long train-the-trainer programs. She is a certified trainer for the Public Library Association in strategic planning, facilitation, staffing, and advocacy. Stephanie managed statewide library training programs at New Mexico and Arizona State Libraries, including administration of numerous Technology and Library Institutes, and customized on-site training programs for public libraries. She designed outcome-based needs assessment and evaluation, core competencies, and training plans including coordinating and marketing over 100 continuing education events a year. She designed and implemented training initiatives such as Advocacy for Rural Libraries, Train-the-Trainer, Grants and Fundraising, and a Basic Library Skills Institute for frontline staff (under the IMLS Outcome Based Evaluation Task Force). She has facilitated annual Leadership Institutes in three states. Stephanie managed a corporate library as a systems administrator; worked for SIRSI as a traveling trainer; and was an academic library cataloger.
Former projects include sole creation and facilitation of the Public Library Association's strategic planning initiative, Dynamic Planning Institute (focused on small libraries), instructor for Infopeople's online courses including Building a Culture of Learning initiative, Getting Started with Community Needs Assessments, Library Grants 101 (annually), and trainer for PLA's Project Outcome. She was a founding project manager for the Continuing Education Connector project for the Chief Officers of State Libraries (COSLA), evaluator of the Infopeople Leadership program, managed training needs assessments for state and national organizations, conducted online training for the Public Library Association's national advocacy project, Turning the Page 2.0, and consulted and trained for TechSoup, PLA, and the Urban Libraries Council.
She supports libraries and nonprofits by providing online training, professional development, evaluation, and needs assessments worldwide. She has led numerous projects, including grant evaluations, webinars, and courses for the University of Washington iSchool and San Jose State University iSchool.
Stephanie brings a wealth of experience and proven results in library grant work, training needs assessment, program evaluation, and library training.
Stephanie has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, with a concentration in technical writing, and a Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science with a concentration in Corporate Information.
Stephanie has written five books including the ALA Editions best selling Winning Grants, Third Edition: a How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, 2024. She has published over 40 articles and authors the Library Grants Blog, which lists grant announcements for libraries. She is a former Executive Director for the Act of Giving Foundation and lives in beautiful Seattle, WA with her husband and dynamic teen daughter.
Contact Stephanie for training, writing, or consulting opportunities at stephaniegerding@ gmail.com. Her most popular topics are library grants, grant and training evaluations, and continuing education needs assessments.